Classroom News
The last week of school was busy and fun! The schedule stayed the same for most of the day to keep things as normal as possible, but each day I planned a special activity to make the days fun and keep the children engaged. Here are some snapshots from our week! Your child will receive their last report card on June 18th, all of the contents are yours to keep. Each child has made lots of progress this year. I have really enjoyed working with these kiddos and have loved watching them grow. Have an awesome summer vacation!
Summer Reading/Pen Pal Writing
Earlier in the week I sent home a summer reading bingo challenge. Please keep track of your child's reading over the summer and return the bingo sheet in the fall. I would love to write back and forth with children over the summer. Some students have already set this up, so please let me know if you are interested!
Our last week together...
Monday began with...
Free choice time and Pajama Day!
We also had a special concert put on by the 4-6 graders in Mrs. Towle's band! They did a great job sharing and telling us all about their instruments.
Monday began with...
Free choice time and Pajama Day!
We also had a special concert put on by the 4-6 graders in Mrs. Towle's band! They did a great job sharing and telling us all about their instruments.

Extra Recess and snack under our classroom tree
River walk and extra recess!

Engineering and Classroom Clean up Day
Our last science activity of the year! Students engineered their own seed carrier. Students applied their prior knowledge about seed dispersal and designed a carrier which used wind power to move the seed away from the parent plant. Here are some great shots from the day. We measured the length each seed carrier traveled and took note at changes we could make to get our seeds to travel even further. We also worked to clean up the classroom and get it ready for summer.

Carnival Day!
I was stationed at the Log Mountain slide all day, but managed to get some great shots of the kids! Thank you to WESPO for funding this special day. This will be a special memory for many children and adults alike!