Monday, November 19, 2018

The Week of November 12

Upcoming Events

Meet the Authors Writing Celebration
Nov. 20 @ 12:00

Thanksgiving Break/ No School
Nov. 21-23

Trimester I Report Cards go home
November 30th  

International Festival Field Trip
November 30th 
We still need a few more chaperones to help on our field trip. Please return your chaperone sign-up form to school if you are interested. Thank you!

Waterville Thanksgiving Luncheon 

We had a great feast on Thursday! Thank you to all the families who attended. Ms. Stephanie did an amazing job!! 

Writers' Workshop

This week we were busy editing, revising and PUBLISHING our small moments pieces. Students visited Marcelino Editing & Publishing office. We worked together to fix up their pieces. Students then rewrote their final drafts, added detailed illustrations and more. Please join us on Tuesday to meet the authors! 

In math the first graders learned two new math stations that helped us practice different strategies when adding and subtracting. We continued to work on telling time to the hour on digital and analog clocks. Students finished up unit 2 and took a short assessment.


In science we are wrapping up our Light unit of study. Because students were still not sure if we need light to see or not, we did another investigation. Students brainstormed a place in the school where we could investigate this further. Small groups of kids investigated what they could see in our bathroom when the door was open, closed and when the we blocked off all of the light. We finally came to consensus... light helps us to see. On Monday we will engineer ways to help communicate using light signals. When we return from Thanksgiving break, we will begin a short social studies unit on cultures around the world. 

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Week of October 29th

Upcoming Events
No School November 9th
Teacher In-Service Day and Veteran's Day

Thanksgiving Food Drive 
Please bring stuffing 

Thanksgiving Break/ No School
Nov. 21-23

Trimester I Report Cards go Home
November 30th  

International Festival Field Trip
November 30th 

Winter Weather Clothing
The temperature is dropping and the snow is beginning to fly! Students have outdoor recess everyday unless it is rainy or the temperature drops below 10 degrees. Please make sure your child is prepared... hats, mittens, boots, snow pants and warm jackets are all helpful. If your child wishes to leave their boots here at school that is fine. Please make sure another pair of shoes are available. This helps keep our hallways and classroom dry and clean. 

Readers' Workshop
This week we continued learning how to get super smart about nonfiction topics. We learned to stop and study each page, guess what might come next, chat about the book and retell our books with lots of details. 

In math, the first graders worked more on developing relationships with adding and subtracting. We made our own flip books which helped us to become experts on fact families and the relationships between numbers. We also began writing our first class book. The first graders each began writing a number mystery story. When the book is finished, we will read the stories together while trying to solve the different number mysteries.

Halloween Art Project

This week we did a fun guided drawing project on Halloween! Students learned to draw a pumpkin and a cute cat peeking out from behind it. Although all students learned the same steps and drawing skills... all of their creations came out different! Be sure to check out their unique drawings.

Wall of Fame
On Thursday students reflected on their work for the last couple of weeks and thought about the piece of work they were most proud of. We hung our work up under our Wall of Fame star and each child was awarded a gold ribbon to place on their special piece! Be sure to check it out!

Big Buddies
This week we had a fun STEM challenge. Students worked together to make their Halloween ghosts fly! Students worked with different materials to design, and create a way to make their ghost fly. Students had time to reflect on their design and make changes to make their 
design better!