Upcoming Events
No School
Yom Kippur
October 9
Shelburne Museum Field Trip
October 10, 2019
If you are planning to accompany us on our trip, please return your chaperone field trip sign up by Oct. 4
No School/ Teacher In-Service
October 18
Helping keep our room clean and neat!
Go Noodle
This is one of our favorite parts of the day! Be sure to check out https://app.gonoodle.com/ this app is totally free and lots of fun!
The first and second graders have been busy reviewing letter sounds and handwriting. We have also spent time getting to know how to use our letter boards, white boards and how to sort words into categories. Students have practiced many different spelling activities and have the habits of our spelling time down pat!
A few weeks ago, the first and second graders took the Elementary Spelling Inventory, a whole group assessment that helps identify spelling levels. I use this assessment plus classroom observations to form spelling groups. We will break up into small groups to practice different spelling skills including spelling patterns, sentence writing and punctuation. Students will also learn many sight words this year. In first and second grade, we call these words "trick words". These are words that don't follow spelling rules i.e. was

Readers' Workshop
In reading we have been really working hard to learn new partner reading activities. Students are learning to see-saw read by page or by book, echo read and share a WOW page! Students are setting goals for their independent reading and I have begun conferencing with students each day. Next week, I will be out of the classroom onTuesday and Wednesday to administer the Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment. This assessment will help me to form small reading groups and set goals with individual students.
Writers Workshop
In writing we have begun to zoom in on small moment ideas. We read the book Night of the Veggie Monster a great mentor text that we will refer to throughout our first unit of study. We practiced breaking ideas down from large, to big to small.
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School Wide PAWS Celebration
On Friday, our whole school celebrated using our PAWS by having a Chalk the Walk day! The first and second graders filled our PAWS jar 3 different times and took off 3 puzzle pieces from the puzzle in the hallway! Our school spirit is really amazing and I am so proud of this class!

The first graders really enjoyed using computers on Friday! We practiced logging onto our computers and playing some fun math games that helped us practice our mouse skills along with counting by 1s and addition facts that make ten.

Grandfriends Day
On Friday we had such a fun time singing, eating and playing on the playground with our families! Thanks to all of the families that made it out to celebrate Grandparent's Day. Here are some of the special rocks we made with our Big Buddies which we gave as gifts!