Upcoming Events
School Wide Celebration- Minute to Win-it Games- Tuesday, Oct. 5
No School - Monday, Oct. 11 - Teacher In-Service
Early Release Day- Friday, Oct. 29 @ 11:30 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Please contact Ms. Debbie @ 521-5550 to schedule a conference
First Grade Families- please pack your child extra socks and clothing in case they get wet and muddy at recess. If possible please send rain boots with your child.
Morning Meeting Share Time Pictures
Readers' Workshop
The first six weeks of school have been busy and productive. We have learned important routines and expectations that make our reading time fun and organized. Each day, students take part in a whole group lesson and then go off to practice during independent and partner reading. We have learned to choose a healthy balance of books to read during reading time. Here are the good reading habits we are currently working on. In the next few weeks, I will begin working with small groups of students each day. Please talk with your child at home about the books in their book bag! First and second grade is such an amazing time in a students life and it is incredible to see the growth that happens at this time.

Writers' Workshop
In writing, we are working on zooming in on a small moment in time when writing. Students read a cool book called The Night of the Veggie Monster by George McClements. We planned and wrote a new story about eating our favorite foods and visiting our favorite places. The first and second graders are learning to stretch out words as they write- listening to beginning, middle and ending sounds. We are also learning to revisit old stories, reread for understanding and add details.
Social Emotional Learning
The first and second graders have been busy learning about their brain! Students worked together to learn the parts of the brain and their nick-names. Students created comic strips to show what each part of the brain does. We began learning about our five senses and how we can use our senses to be mindful and stay focused on learning. Learning about the parts of our brain is the foundation to regulation of the body. Teaching students to recognize emotions, feelings and how to regulate their emotions is key to interacting with others.
Prefrontal Cortex- Wise Leader
Hippocampus- Memory Saver
Amygdala - Security Guard
First Grade Math/Number Corner
In math, we are built our own number racks! This is a tool we will use all year long as we learn about adding and subtracting strategies and patterns. We told number stories about our classmates and used our number racks to solve each story. We are also learning to add onto 10, and create teen number equations. We sang a fun money song to help us learn the names and attributes of different coins, and played a fun guessing game where students had to use their sense of touch to identify different coins.
Big/Little Buddies Leaf Man Projects
On Tuesday afternoons we spend time with our Big Buddies in Mr. Braun's class. Our mission this year is to spend time outdoors exploring our amazing surroundings and build strong WES community relationships. In September, we read The Leaf Man by Lois Ehlert. Students worked together to collect materials, and create leaf buddies! Here are some of the finished products. These creations will be on display in our hallway, be sure to check them out!