Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Week of Sept. 2

Upcoming Events
Open House
Sept. 19


After school Program Begins
Stephanie Castongauy, the after school coordinator will be sending home an informational packet soon!  

Sept. 23

"Grandfriends Day"

Please join us for "Grandfriends" day a.k.a. as Grandparent's Day. If you don’t have a grandparent who can attend, parents and family members are always welcome! Our school will perform a special song for our audience, and then we sit down for a delicious feast! Families are welcome to stay for recess until 12:00.

Sept. 27 

P ut your best foot forward
A lways respect yourself, others and the environment
W ork together to solve problems
S afety at all times

School Wide PAWS Celebration

On Thursday our school celebrated! We have all been working hard to learn our school wide rules and expectations. Students earn a "PAW" when we see them following the expectations we have taught and practiced...or even for those going above and beyond! Our class PAWS jar was filled 2 times, and our class uncovered 2 pieces of our school wide puzzle located out in the hall. Here are some pictures from our celebration!

Hopes and Dreams

On the first day of school, we read The Curious Garden by Peter Brown. The children loved the book and we used the story to help us form our Hopes and Dreams. We thought about how we wanted to grow just the the curious garden! Each child created a part of our garden and wrote what they hope and dream about doing this year.

Habits, Routines and Expectations
The first few weeks of school have been filled with getting to know each other, our classroom and the routines and expectations we have.  Here are a few snapshots from our first few weeks together! 

Go Noodle
Movement breaks throughout the day! 

First graders learning to use the math tools at stations around the room! The kiddos love the Interactive Board! This week we learned about selecting tools...they loved the magic pen! 

Readers' Workshop
We have created unique and colorful labels to go with our books bags and have also picked special spots around the room to read! The first and second graders are learning the mini-lesson routine and how to transition from rug time to independent reading. We have also opened our classroom library and have begun to select books and notice how our books are organized.

Science/Global Studies
We have begun our first unit of study that aligns well with our PAWS rules. We will be learning about our brain, mindfulness, and ways to regulate our emotions.  Here is the hand model of the brain which we are using in class to model when we are not regulated what actually happens to our brain. We call this "flipping our lid".

Students are learning nicknames for each part of the brain! 

Prefrontal Cortex: Wise Leader
Amygdala: Security Guard
Hippocampus: Memory Keeper

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