Upcoming Events
Plastic Grocery Bags!! I will take as many grocery bags as you would like to get rid of! Thank you!!
Plastic Grocery Bags!! I will take as many grocery bags as you would like to get rid of! Thank you!!
Fairy Tale Readers' Theater Performances
February 22, 2018
February Break
Feb 26- March 6
100th Day of School Celebrations
We began our day with a special hundred day hash! Students added 100 items each to our hash, and we ended out having 1500 pieces of snack in our bowl. We sorted our items, and compared which group had the most and which group had the least amount. Later in the day, we had some fun engineering tasks to try. Students worked in small groups to make the tallest cup tower out of 100 cups, then we tried to make the tallest marshmallow tower using 100 toothpicks. During math, the first graders shared their collections, grouped items efficiently by 10s and 20s and then wrote missing number equations with multiples of ten. Students also did a fun writing and art project. We created pictures of what we thought we would look like when we turn 100! Students created a bucket list of what they want to accomplish before they turn 100... please be sure to check them out in the hallway right outside our classroom.

Last Winter Sports Day
We had such fun this year during our winter sports program! Here is my skiing and snowboarding group! It is so much fun to spend time with all WES students!
Valentine's Day
We spent the whole week focused on kindness and friendship. In class we brainstormed things that make us feel loved, and ways to treat others to show our love/friendship for them. I introduced the kindness jar to students on Monday. I invited students to notice when someone did something kind for them. They could write it down and place the sticky note in our jar. At the end of the day, I read aloud all of the notes in the jar! On Tuesday, we read My Heart is Like a Zoo by Micheal Hall. We modeled our valentine bags after his creative heart illustrations. Students were charged with creating an animal from the book. Each animal had to have at least one heart in it. On Thursday we had fun reading The Peace Book by Todd Par, and sharing our special valentines with each other. I loved all of my special treats! Thank you all so much!

Engineering in the Classroom
In preparation for the end of our Patterns in the Sky unit of study, we spent time getting to know the process engineers go through when creating something. We learned the process together, but focused on taking feedback from our friends and changing our design to make our product better. On Friday we spent time with our Big Buddies and made marble mazes! We planned, built and took feedback on our designs. We will spend time this week changing our mazes to make them better.
Readers' and Writers' Workshop
This week we spent more time practicing our readers' theater plays, and can't wait for our performance on Thursday! We are getting better at reading our plays with expression and fluency. Parent's and family members are welcome to attend. We will begin at 9:30 and will watch a total of 4 fairy tale readers' theater plays. We will have a short intermission and quiz the audience on their fairy tale knowledge!
We are also working hard at writing our first review! Students are living the life of a reviewer by gathering their information and building their own review. After break, we will move onto informational writing.
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