Upcoming Events
Grandparents' Day Celebration and Luncheon
Sept. 21 @ 11:00
W.E.S. Open House
Sept. 26 from 6:00-7:00
P.A.W.S Rules
This week we worked on our understanding of our P.A.W.S rules. We worked on a whole class definition of the word respect: to feel important and cared for. Students brainstormed ideas of how to show respect for themselves, others and our world. We also talked a lot about putting your best foot forward- trying your best to make the world a better place. Our class made and decorated special buckets. Students wrote each other notes to point out when a classmate had done something kind for them, and placed the note in that person's bucket. We call this "filling our buckets".

Happy Forest Celebration
We have already earned a classroom celebration! The first and second graders worked hard to become experts at a few of our classroom expectations: lining up quietly and safely, following meeting rules and stopping when they hear the quiet signal! On Tuesday, we had EXTRA FREE CHOICE TIME!!!
Growth Mindset
Students made a growth mindset reminder board in our classroom with our favorite sayings! Students chose their favorites to add to the board. We will use this board throughout our year to remind ourselves of what to do when, and if we get into "The Dip".

Grandparents' Day Celebration and Luncheon
Sept. 21 @ 11:00
W.E.S. Open House
Sept. 26 from 6:00-7:00
P.A.W.S Rules
This week we worked on our understanding of our P.A.W.S rules. We worked on a whole class definition of the word respect: to feel important and cared for. Students brainstormed ideas of how to show respect for themselves, others and our world. We also talked a lot about putting your best foot forward- trying your best to make the world a better place. Our class made and decorated special buckets. Students wrote each other notes to point out when a classmate had done something kind for them, and placed the note in that person's bucket. We call this "filling our buckets".

Happy Forest Celebration
We have already earned a classroom celebration! The first and second graders worked hard to become experts at a few of our classroom expectations: lining up quietly and safely, following meeting rules and stopping when they hear the quiet signal! On Tuesday, we had EXTRA FREE CHOICE TIME!!!
Growth Mindset
Students made a growth mindset reminder board in our classroom with our favorite sayings! Students chose their favorites to add to the board. We will use this board throughout our year to remind ourselves of what to do when, and if we get into "The Dip".

Big Buddies
On Thursday afternoons we visit with our Big Buddies from Mrs. Vargo's 4-5 classroom. This week, we worked on getting to know each other by making monster glyphs! Be sure to check these out when you come to Open House in few weeks!
Readers' Workshop
Our first unit of study will be on Habits of a Good Reader. This week, we practiced choosing books and taking a sneak peek at what's inside! We picked special reading spots in the room and practiced what it looks like and sounds like during read to yourself. Please send a small pillow to school with your child. We will keep these in our cubbies and use them throughout the day, especially during readers' workshop.
This week in math we really worked on getting to know our Number Corner activities. Students are learning to listen to their classmates thoughts carefully, and show if they agree or disagree with others. We did some really fun popsicle projects which helped us count by twos and notice and identify patterns. The first graders also really have enjoyed working at our new math stations!

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