Upcoming Events
Reading Homework Begins
October 1
Reading logs and book bags will be sent home with students. Keep reading logs in your child's home-folder and return book bags every day.

October 18-19 No School/Teacher In-service
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 22-24
LNMUSD Early Release Day @ 11:30
October 25

Checking out a giant toad I found outside! He was awesome!
Readers' Workshop
In reading this week we worked on practicing good reading habits and dropping bad ones! Students reviewed and practiced what to do when they come across a word they don't know. We practiced checking the pictures, looking through the word and all its letters, and making sure the word makes sense. We learned about small group instruction, and students practiced what they will do if they need help or have a problem while I am working with a small group. We read aloud Gossie and Gertie and Mr. Tiger goes Wild during read aloud. During read aloud we practiced good habits, word solving and retelling the stories in order.

Writers' Workshop
The first and second graders are really excited to begin writing their own small moments stories! This week we watched Salt Hands by Jan Chelsea Argon a wonderful small moment story about an event occuring in nature. Students brainstormed more ideas that they could write about, and began planning and sketching their books out!
Students worked more on letter sounds and began segmenting 3 and 4 sound words. We used our magnet boards to build words too!
In math we solved number story problems using our number racks. We worked on solving missing number equations i.e ____+5=11 or 11-_____=5. We did a measuring activity which the first graders loved! We practiced estimating and then carefully used popsicle sticks to measure and record the actual length.

Reading logs and book bags will be sent home with students. Keep reading logs in your child's home-folder and return book bags every day.

October 18-19 No School/Teacher In-service
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 22-24
LNMUSD Early Release Day @ 11:30
October 25

Checking out a giant toad I found outside! He was awesome!
Readers' Workshop
In reading this week we worked on practicing good reading habits and dropping bad ones! Students reviewed and practiced what to do when they come across a word they don't know. We practiced checking the pictures, looking through the word and all its letters, and making sure the word makes sense. We learned about small group instruction, and students practiced what they will do if they need help or have a problem while I am working with a small group. We read aloud Gossie and Gertie and Mr. Tiger goes Wild during read aloud. During read aloud we practiced good habits, word solving and retelling the stories in order.

Writers' Workshop
The first and second graders are really excited to begin writing their own small moments stories! This week we watched Salt Hands by Jan Chelsea Argon a wonderful small moment story about an event occuring in nature. Students brainstormed more ideas that they could write about, and began planning and sketching their books out!
Students worked more on letter sounds and began segmenting 3 and 4 sound words. We used our magnet boards to build words too!
In math we solved number story problems using our number racks. We worked on solving missing number equations i.e ____+5=11 or 11-_____=5. We did a measuring activity which the first graders loved! We practiced estimating and then carefully used popsicle sticks to measure and record the actual length.

On Thursday and Friday we began our first science unit of study on light waves. Our guiding question for this unit of study is How Does Light Help Me See Things And Communicate With Others? Students did a shape hunt in our classroom while the room was almost completely dark. This was our initial phenomenon, which the 2nd graders already have lots of experience with and did a great job helping the first graders! We learned about our Summary Table and what we do during scientist meeting.

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