Winter Concert
Dec. 16, 2019 @ 6:00
Students will meet in our room between 5:30 and 5:45. They can leave their coats and boots in the classroom and return after the concert to get them.
Dec. 17
We will begin our day by breaking up into small groups throughout our school to make gifts for a friend! Students will wrap their gifts and make cards. We will exchange our gifts at our party on Dec. 20

Holiday Celebration/Sledding Party
Dec. 20- 12:00-1:30
W.E.S. Families are welcome to attend! We will decorate cookies, exchange gifts and then head outside for a sledding party.
You are welcome to bring sleds to school and/or drop them off any time during the week. I will keep them in the classroom behind my desk until Friday.
Writing Celebration
The writing celebration was a BIG success! You could see the excitement and pride on the students' faces! The comment sheets were really meaningful. Thank you to all of the people who went out of their way to attend!

Wednesdays with Ivy
We really enjoyed seeing Ivy on Wednesday! She is an attentive listener and so gentle with the students.

Healthy Snacks Returns!
Ms. Stephanie brought a delicious healthy fruit for snack on Wednesday! This week we enjoyed fresh pineapple. All students are welcome to try a snack. This year we are fortunate have this amazing resource 2-3 times per week.
Field Trip to the Llama Farm
The weather was beautiful and we had such a fun time picking out our favorite tree! Thank you to Mr. Towle for setting up our tree so quickly! It is a beautiful addition to our room.

"Elfing Ourselves"
This week was busy and full of changes. We took some time to make ornaments for our tree and we even turned ourselves into elves! Each elf is adorable! Be sure to check out our tree at the concert on Monday night.

Poetry Mini-Unit
This week we began a short inquiry into poetry! Students read from a classroom anthology which has a mix of different types of poems. Students chose a poem they liked best and practiced reading it many times.
In the upcoming week before vacation, we will work on adjusting our reading rate, expression and reading the punctuation. We will get a chance to write some of our own poetry too!
On Wednesday, Dec. 18 we will have a poetry jam with our Big Buddies to celebrate! Students will have the opportunity to read their poems aloud using a cool microphone and amplifier.
W.E.S. Families are welcome to attend! We will decorate cookies, exchange gifts and then head outside for a sledding party.
You are welcome to bring sleds to school and/or drop them off any time during the week. I will keep them in the classroom behind my desk until Friday.
Writing Celebration
The writing celebration was a BIG success! You could see the excitement and pride on the students' faces! The comment sheets were really meaningful. Thank you to all of the people who went out of their way to attend!

Wednesdays with Ivy
We really enjoyed seeing Ivy on Wednesday! She is an attentive listener and so gentle with the students.

Healthy Snacks Returns!
Ms. Stephanie brought a delicious healthy fruit for snack on Wednesday! This week we enjoyed fresh pineapple. All students are welcome to try a snack. This year we are fortunate have this amazing resource 2-3 times per week.
Field Trip to the Llama Farm
The weather was beautiful and we had such a fun time picking out our favorite tree! Thank you to Mr. Towle for setting up our tree so quickly! It is a beautiful addition to our room.

"Elfing Ourselves"
This week was busy and full of changes. We took some time to make ornaments for our tree and we even turned ourselves into elves! Each elf is adorable! Be sure to check out our tree at the concert on Monday night.

Poetry Mini-Unit
This week we began a short inquiry into poetry! Students read from a classroom anthology which has a mix of different types of poems. Students chose a poem they liked best and practiced reading it many times.
In the upcoming week before vacation, we will work on adjusting our reading rate, expression and reading the punctuation. We will get a chance to write some of our own poetry too!
On Wednesday, Dec. 18 we will have a poetry jam with our Big Buddies to celebrate! Students will have the opportunity to read their poems aloud using a cool microphone and amplifier.