Upcoming Events
First and Second Grade Writing Celebration
Dec. 10 from 12:00-1:00
Meet the Author Celebration will be set up in Ms. Thomas' and Mrs. Marcelino's classrooms. Published books will be set up around the rooms. Students and families will move about the two rooms reading and writing positive comments for each child. There will be a "meet the author" photo booth set up for students and families to take pictures!
W.E.S. families are welcome to attend! Meet the Author Celebration will be set up in Ms. Thomas' and Mrs. Marcelino's classrooms. Published books will be set up around the rooms. Students and families will move about the two rooms reading and writing positive comments for each child. There will be a "meet the author" photo booth set up for students and families to take pictures!

Dec. 16, 2019 @ 6:00
W.E.S. Secret Santa Gift Making Workshops
Students will meet in our room between 5:30 and 5:45. They can leave their coats and boots in the classroom and return after the concert to get them.
W.E.S. Secret Santa Gift Making Workshops
Dec. 17
We will begin our day by breaking up into small groups throughout our school to make gifts for a friend! Students will wrap their gifts and make cards. We will exchange our gifts at our party on Dec. 20
Dec. 20- 12:00-1:30
W.E.S. Families are welcome to attend! We will decorate cookies, exchange gifts and then head outside for a sledding party.
You are welcome to bring sleds to school and/or drop them off any time during the week. I will keep them in the classroom behind my desk until Friday.
America Recycles Day
On Monday, Cormac Quinn a volunteer from AmeriCorps came to talk to the 1-2-3 classes about recycling! He read a great book, sorted types of trash and recycling, and then the students made great Super Recycler masks!
Wednesdays With Ivy
Ivy and Ms. Paulette visited our room on Wednesday! Students read with Ivy and got a chance to spend time with her! Each week 2-3 students get a chance to meet with Ivy. Every child will get a chance to read with her this year if they want to.

Writers' Workshop
In writing, we are working hard to make our fancy copies to share at our writing celebration! Students used a rubric to identify what they are doing well and what they need to work on. We spent time creating detailed illustrations, covers, dedication pages and a cool All About the Author page.
A note on publishing...
Current best practice around student publishing and editing is that teachers work together with a child to enhance writing. We work together to target age appropriate spelling, use of capitalization and punctuation, handwriting skills, and overarching goals we have learned about.
We don't fix every single word, grammar/usage and mechanics error that would be only significant to a highly experienced writer. You will see that your child may still have misspelled words and/or other errors in their book. Please remember we are celebrating our children's hard work, growth and developmental stage.

Readers' Workshop
This week in reading we wrapped up unit one! We continue to work on reading stamina, good habits and strategies for solving tricky words. Students also began an inquiry into realistic fiction. We read The Snowy Day, and compared it to the animal fiction books we read earlier in the year. Small group work continues each day. Students will also practice reading their winter poems throughout the weeks ahead. We will have a special Poetry Jam with our Big Buddies the week before winter break.
First Grade Math
The first graders are working very hard at developing adding and subtracting strategies. This week, we learned two new math games! Cat and Mouse and Fifty or Bust! These games focused on the compare model for subtraction and adding double digit numbers. We also continue to use the chrome books to access prodigy.
In number corner, we uncovered a new pattern on our calendar! 3D shapes are our focus this month. We are also learning about telling time on analog and digital clocks.

Big Buddies
On Wednesday, we met with our Big Buddies and read some awesome winter poems! Each group selected a winter poem they liked best. We will practice our poems throughout the next few weeks in preparation for our Poetry Jam!
W.E.S. Families are welcome to attend! We will decorate cookies, exchange gifts and then head outside for a sledding party.
You are welcome to bring sleds to school and/or drop them off any time during the week. I will keep them in the classroom behind my desk until Friday.
America Recycles Day
On Monday, Cormac Quinn a volunteer from AmeriCorps came to talk to the 1-2-3 classes about recycling! He read a great book, sorted types of trash and recycling, and then the students made great Super Recycler masks!
Wednesdays With Ivy
Ivy and Ms. Paulette visited our room on Wednesday! Students read with Ivy and got a chance to spend time with her! Each week 2-3 students get a chance to meet with Ivy. Every child will get a chance to read with her this year if they want to.

Writers' Workshop
In writing, we are working hard to make our fancy copies to share at our writing celebration! Students used a rubric to identify what they are doing well and what they need to work on. We spent time creating detailed illustrations, covers, dedication pages and a cool All About the Author page.
A note on publishing...
Current best practice around student publishing and editing is that teachers work together with a child to enhance writing. We work together to target age appropriate spelling, use of capitalization and punctuation, handwriting skills, and overarching goals we have learned about.
We don't fix every single word, grammar/usage and mechanics error that would be only significant to a highly experienced writer. You will see that your child may still have misspelled words and/or other errors in their book. Please remember we are celebrating our children's hard work, growth and developmental stage.

Readers' Workshop
This week in reading we wrapped up unit one! We continue to work on reading stamina, good habits and strategies for solving tricky words. Students also began an inquiry into realistic fiction. We read The Snowy Day, and compared it to the animal fiction books we read earlier in the year. Small group work continues each day. Students will also practice reading their winter poems throughout the weeks ahead. We will have a special Poetry Jam with our Big Buddies the week before winter break.
First Grade Math
The first graders are working very hard at developing adding and subtracting strategies. This week, we learned two new math games! Cat and Mouse and Fifty or Bust! These games focused on the compare model for subtraction and adding double digit numbers. We also continue to use the chrome books to access prodigy.
In number corner, we uncovered a new pattern on our calendar! 3D shapes are our focus this month. We are also learning about telling time on analog and digital clocks.

Big Buddies
On Wednesday, we met with our Big Buddies and read some awesome winter poems! Each group selected a winter poem they liked best. We will practice our poems throughout the next few weeks in preparation for our Poetry Jam!
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