Upcoming Events
Winter Sports Day
Feb. 5
Winter Sports Day
Feb. 5
Big Change Round-Up- Final Day Feb. 21
Each student has a special pouch to keep their change in. Let's see how much change we can gather! Our class will be creating a change jar to keep in our room. Anything helps!
Let's Go Waterville :)

Teacher In-Service/ No School
February 7
100th Day of School Celebration
February 10
Valentine's Day Exchange
Feb. 14
On February 14, our class will exchange Valentine cards and have a small party. You will find a class list in your child's folder today. If you are planning to make valentines, please be sure each child in the class gets one. If you would like to send in a special treat to share please let me know!
Author Visit:John Churchman
February 17
John and his wife Jennifer write the Sweet Pea & friends series based on their Essex, VT farm. The picture books are beautiful using photos of their animals at the farm.
Lunch Bunch
The first and second graders have loved earning lunch bunch in the classroom! Keep up the reading at home and make sure to return reading logs to me when your child finishes!
Writers' Workshop
This week, we worked on planning our informational books! Students brainstormed ideas, and used a web to think of important information about their topic. Up next, we will organize our ideas and create headings for the different sections in our books.
Readers' workshop
The first and second graders loved our shared reading this week. We read two nonfiction texts and worked together to apply the different strategies we have been learning. Students loved reading Tigers and Pyramids both DK readers. We also worked on brainstorming key words and using nonfiction text features to understand those key words.
On Thursday and Friday, I worked with some students to administer the Fountas and Pinnell reading assessment and the first grade math assessments. I am so proud of all the growth students are making!
Vermont Symphony Orchestra Visit
We had a great presentation from the V.S.O. on Friday afternoon. It was a great connection to our Sound unit of study in science!

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