Here we are at the tree farm! It was cold, but it turned out to be a
beautiful trip! I was so proud of the children, they were very well behaved
and really used their PAWS!!

Enjoying some warm cider!

The gift shop is such a wonderful place!!
Reading and Writing Workshop
In readers' workshop we continued our work with fiction books. We read the book A Winter's Day by M. Christina Butler. We worked on retelling the story from beginning to end, making sure to include details about the characters, setting, problem and solution. Students wrote and drew pictures to retell the story. We have also been reading some poetry! We have explored shape poems, sensory poems and acrostic poems. The first and second graders wrote their own poems about the beautiful snow outside! Each child has their own poetry anthology and have been reading and practicing their favorites in class. In writer's workshop, we have also been working on an inquiry into punctuation. We read the book Roller Coaster by Marla Frazee. We marked and identified periods, question marks and ellipses in different books. Then we practiced using these different punctuation marks by writing sentences of our own. The kids' final drafts of their small moments books are finally completed and are ready for our Publishing Celebration on Thursday. They will be sent home on Friday in your child's home-folder.
We continue to practice our different spelling patterns ( bonus letters and long i) throughout the week and continue to work on our trick words as well. We are also learning about proper nouns, nouns and adjectives. This week we took a mentor sentence from the book A Winter's Day and spent time reading and noticing everything we could about that one sentence. Students identified nouns, proper nouns and adjectives, but also noticed action words too! On Friday we will have our post assessment, and will begin a new unit of study when we return from winter break!

Working on our mentor sentence!
Math Workshop
In math we have been working on addition and subtraction strategies. We have also been working on solving addition and subtraction word problems. We used our SMARTboard to read, and solve word problems about students in our class! This made the problems fun and engaging. We worked on solving subtraction stories by identifying the difference between two quantities, which is new this year. We also played some really fun games that helped us identify odd and even numbers. We learned some fun addition card games that helped us become more fluent with our facts of 7, 8, 9 and 10. We continue to use our number racks in class to help anchor on 5 and 10 while solving addition problems. Students are working on solving equations up to 17 on their number racks! It is amazing to hear how clear and precise they explain their thinking. This class engages in some great discussions.

Buddy Time
We met with our Big Buddies from Ms. Vargo's room on Friday and finished up our giant snowflakes! We began the project last week and spent time taping, stapling and hanging them up in our room on Friday! I just love how beautiful the snowflakes turned out. Here are some photos from our project time. Please make sure you get a chance to come and check out the snowflakes at some point...they are so pretty!

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