Upcoming Events
Winter Sports 2018
January 24, 31 and February 7
We are so excited to finally begin our 2018 Winter Sports Program! We are all looking forward to getting outside and enjoying some of the snow. Please make sure that your child is prepared for their winter activity. I just wanted to remind you of a couple of things you should pack for your child.
Winter Sports Checklist
- Warm clothes: snow pants, boots, hats, mittens and neck warmers.
- Have your child dressed in comfortable clothes: sweatpants, sweatshirts and warm socks.
- A back pack to keep all of your things together.
- A change of clothes. You never know when you will need them!
- Non-perishable lunch, snacks and drinks
- Any equipment you are providing such as snowboards, boots, skis, goggles, helmets, skates, snow shoes etc.
February 1st Early Release Day/Teacher In- Service Day
No School February 2nd / Teacher In-Service Day
Classroom News
Although we had another short week this week, we did get a lot accomplished! As a class we continue to review and reflect on our classroom rules and expectations. This week was a little challenging and I had to give lots of reminders about impulse control. We reviewed walking in the school, hands and feet to ourselves and safety at all times on the playground. We also have had lots of colds and stomach viruses going around. I remind the students to wash their hands each morning upon arrival. Students are encouraged to drink lots of water throughout the day and can keep their water bottles in the classroom... although I see their full water bottles at the end of each day! I will encourage them to drink more often!
Healthy Snacks
This week we tried pumelos! They are almost like a grapefruit but a little bit sweeter! The kids really liked them, and it gave us an extra dose of vitamin C.
Readers' Workshop
In readers' workshop we have been learning about Fairy tales and Folktales. In this unit we have learned about reading the characters facial expressions to infer how they are feeling, and then reading the words to match the characters feelings. We are also working on predicting what the characters are thinking. This week we worked on identifying characters perspectives in different fairy tales. We have read Little Red Riding Hood, Cinderella, Cinderella Penguin and the Tortoise and the Hare.

Writers' Workshop
In writing we have been reviewing opinion verses fact. We have been reading reviews of books, movies, restaurants, video games and more! Last week, we spent time "marking up" different reviews- noticing leads, reasons and endings. We also noticed how the reviewer elaborated on their reasons in many ways. Students will begin writing their own reviews soon!
Patterns in the Sky
This week, we analyzed the data we recorded last week. We noticed similarities and differences in our individual data. We read a nonfiction book called Day and Night. Students noticed lots of things we knew already, identified new information and came up with some great questions. As a class we modeled what we thought was causing day and night. Students engaged in argumentation from evidence, and eventually came up with a explanation for what we think is happening. We added to our summary table, and noticed that we had answered lots of questions from our driving question board. Next week, we will head back outside to test out our predictions for what the sky will look like at certain times of day.

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