Upcoming Events
Bird Feeder Workshop
Please send in supplies this week!!
Winter Sports
Please send in supplies this week!!
Winter Sports
January 23, 30 and February 6
Early Release Day/Teacher In-Service @ 11:30
Feb. 1
M.L.K. Day

In our class we made a kindness wall with our Big Buddies from Ms. Vargo's class to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday. Students learned about his message of solving problems peacefully as we read Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport. They wrote special notes for each other and put them on our wall! Be sure to check in out in our room!
Winter Sports
All School Community Meeting
Here are some of our students presenting prizes to the winners of their "best banana" contest! It takes a lot of courage to stand up in front of the whole school!
In math, we began work on subtraction! Students used unifix cube towers to compare amounts and find the difference between the two. We wrote equations to match our work. On Friday, we reviewed the number rack and played "number rack detectives". Students were given a target sum i.e. 7, 0r 9 and then gave each other hints about how they made that amount on their number racks... it was lots of fun!

Pen Pals
The first and second graders are really excited to begin writing to our pen-pals! On Wednesday we received our first letters from our buddies in Eden. We will be writing back and forth to Mrs. Day's class from Eden Central School. We will be visiting pen-pals throughout the year and we will be doing some fun outdoor activities with them!
This week we began working on our engineering task for our science unit. Students have been learning about animal biodiversity. We have studied frogs, the many species found around the world, and their similarities and differences.
On Friday, we learned about modeling. Modeling is one of the most important science practice standards from the Next Generation Science Standards. We practiced by drawing models of the pencil sharpener in our classroom. We drew what we could see happening and what we couldn't see in an effort to explain how the sharpener worked. Later in the week, we modeled our own bird feeders! Taking care to draw out the structure and function of each part.

Early Release Day/Teacher In-Service @ 11:30
Feb. 1
M.L.K. Day

In our class we made a kindness wall with our Big Buddies from Ms. Vargo's class to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King's birthday. Students learned about his message of solving problems peacefully as we read Martin's Big Words by Doreen Rappaport. They wrote special notes for each other and put them on our wall! Be sure to check in out in our room!
Winter Sports
We are so excited to begin our 2019 Winter Sports Program! We are all looking forward to getting outside and enjoying some of the snow. Hopefully the weather will cooperate from now on! Please make sure that your child is prepared for their winter activity. I just wanted to remind you of a couple of things you should pack for your child.
Winter Sports Checklist
· Warm clothes: snow pants, boots, hats, mittens and neck warmers.
· Have your child dressed in comfortable clothes: sweatpants, sweatshirts and warm socks.
· A backpack to keep all of your things together.
· A change of clothes. You never know when you will need them!
· Non-perishable lunch, snacks and drinks.
· Any equipment you are providing such as snowboards, boots, skis, goggles, helmets, skates, snow shoes etc.
Students will arrive at school as usual. Skiers and snowboarders will be leaving the school at around 8:30. Skaters, snow shoe kids and cross country skiers will be leaving a little bit later. All kids will be back at W.E.S. in time to catch the bus home. Also, please remember to pick up your child’s equipment in the afternoon or the following morning. Please notify Debbie at the front desk if you are planning on transporting your child either way.
All School Community Meeting
Here are some of our students presenting prizes to the winners of their "best banana" contest! It takes a lot of courage to stand up in front of the whole school!
In math, we began work on subtraction! Students used unifix cube towers to compare amounts and find the difference between the two. We wrote equations to match our work. On Friday, we reviewed the number rack and played "number rack detectives". Students were given a target sum i.e. 7, 0r 9 and then gave each other hints about how they made that amount on their number racks... it was lots of fun!

Pen Pals
The first and second graders are really excited to begin writing to our pen-pals! On Wednesday we received our first letters from our buddies in Eden. We will be writing back and forth to Mrs. Day's class from Eden Central School. We will be visiting pen-pals throughout the year and we will be doing some fun outdoor activities with them!
This week we began working on our engineering task for our science unit. Students have been learning about animal biodiversity. We have studied frogs, the many species found around the world, and their similarities and differences.
On Friday, we learned about modeling. Modeling is one of the most important science practice standards from the Next Generation Science Standards. We practiced by drawing models of the pencil sharpener in our classroom. We drew what we could see happening and what we couldn't see in an effort to explain how the sharpener worked. Later in the week, we modeled our own bird feeders! Taking care to draw out the structure and function of each part.

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