Upcoming Events
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No School January 21, 2019
Winter Sports
January 23, 30 and February 6
Morning Meeting Share Topic
During morning meeting we are going to share things that we are an EXPERT on. Students are welcome to bring things that they can teach about!
This week was a short week, but we all enjoyed being back together here at school!
The first and second graders reviewed our P.A.W.S rules and set some goals for the upcoming weeks.
Readers' Workshop

This week in reading, students worked with their new reading partners and reviewed strategies for decoding hard words. Students worked on crashing parts of multi-syllabic words together to figure out hard words. We pretended our books were like an obstacle course, and we didn't let those hard words get in our way!
Next week we will begin our new unit of study on reading fluency. Please remember to read each night with your child. Students can read from their book bags, or if you have a selection of "just right" books at home, please feel free to read from your library. Scientists know that rereading books aloud and adjusting rate and intonation help develop reading skills.
In math, we worked on developing our number sense about numbers from 0-100. We played two really fun games. We played 50 or Bust and Number in my Pocket. Students had to use their knowledge of tens, ones, place value and greater than, less than to guess the number hidden in my pocket!
Writers' Workshop
Students took a writing pre-assessment on Thursday which will help me to see what writing skills they are strong in, and which they will need to work on. Our next unit will be on informational writing.
In science, we began a new project! Students worked together to group animals by their characteristics. We had to use our prior knowledge about animals to sort "challenge animals" who may not have the typical characteristics, such as a hippo, pangolin, and tarantula. We are continuing to practice working interdependently.

Winter Sports
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
No School January 21, 2019
Winter Sports
January 23, 30 and February 6
Morning Meeting Share Topic
During morning meeting we are going to share things that we are an EXPERT on. Students are welcome to bring things that they can teach about!
This week was a short week, but we all enjoyed being back together here at school!
The first and second graders reviewed our P.A.W.S rules and set some goals for the upcoming weeks.
Readers' Workshop

This week in reading, students worked with their new reading partners and reviewed strategies for decoding hard words. Students worked on crashing parts of multi-syllabic words together to figure out hard words. We pretended our books were like an obstacle course, and we didn't let those hard words get in our way!
Next week we will begin our new unit of study on reading fluency. Please remember to read each night with your child. Students can read from their book bags, or if you have a selection of "just right" books at home, please feel free to read from your library. Scientists know that rereading books aloud and adjusting rate and intonation help develop reading skills.
In math, we worked on developing our number sense about numbers from 0-100. We played two really fun games. We played 50 or Bust and Number in my Pocket. Students had to use their knowledge of tens, ones, place value and greater than, less than to guess the number hidden in my pocket!
Writers' Workshop
Students took a writing pre-assessment on Thursday which will help me to see what writing skills they are strong in, and which they will need to work on. Our next unit will be on informational writing.
In science, we began a new project! Students worked together to group animals by their characteristics. We had to use our prior knowledge about animals to sort "challenge animals" who may not have the typical characteristics, such as a hippo, pangolin, and tarantula. We are continuing to practice working interdependently.

Winter Sports
We are so
excited to begin our 2019 Winter Sports Program! We are all looking forward to getting outside and
enjoying some of the snow. Hopefully the
weather will cooperate from now on! Please make sure that your child is
prepared for their winter activity. I just wanted to remind you of a couple of
things you should pack for your child.
Sports Checklist
Warm clothes: snow pants, boots, hats, mittens and
neck warmers.
Have your child dressed in comfortable clothes:
sweatpants, sweatshirts and warm socks.
A backpack to keep all of your things together.
A change of clothes. You never know when you will
need them!
Non-perishable lunch, snacks and drinks.
Any equipment you are providing such as
snowboards, boots, skis, goggles, helmets, skates, snow shoes etc.
will arrive at school as usual. Skiers and snowboarders will be leaving the
school at around 8:30. Skaters, snow shoe kids and cross country skiers will be
leaving a little bit later. All kids will be back at W.E.S. in time to catch the
bus home. Also, please remember to pick
up your child’s equipment in the afternoon or the following morning. Please
notify Debbie at the front desk if you are planning on transporting your child
either way.
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