Upcoming Events
Old Fashioned School Day/ Movie Day- Nov. 26
Students will role play a old fashioned school day including lessons, recess and chores!
Please do your best at home to help your
child dress like students did in the past. Traditionally, girls wore long
dresses, pinafores and/or aprons, along with a bonnet. Girls typically did
their hair in braids. For the young gentlemen it was a long sleeve button up
shirt (flannel or dress), and boots.
Report Cards go Home- Nov. 26
Students will have a yellow manila envelope that contains their first trimester report card. Please read over your child's report card together with your child. If you have any questions or comments regarding your child's report card, please contact me here at school. The report card is yours to keep.
Please sign and return the first trimester comment form and envelope to school.
Thanksgiving Break- Nov. 27-Dec. 2
Look Ahead
Old Fashioned School Day
Our school day will be
modeled after that of a school house in the 1800s. Here are some of the
activities we look forward to:
Our classroom
will be set up to look like an old fashioned classroom. Our tables will be in
rows, younger students up front near the blackboard and older students in the
Our blackboard will be the main center of attention. Students will solve
addition sums and record their spelling words written on the board.
We will stand and
read aloud from our books.
Children will
also experience various old fashioned forms of classroom discipline- standing
in the corner and even wearing the dunce cap.
Students will
help do chores around the classroom. We will need to bring in wood for the wood
stove, feed the fire throughout the day, fill the water bucket, clean the
blackboards and sweep the floors.
We will have recess together and play 3 legged races, kick the can and red rover!
Readers' Workshop
In reading we met with our new reading partners and reviewed activities and discussion ideas to do together. We learned important strategies for solving unknown words. Each child received a book mark with the strategies listed and set goals for themselves. Strategies support visual, meaning and syntactical cross-checking. We also read aloud the Guruffalo. Students practiced retelling the book, and identifying setting, characters, problem and solution. We added this book to our animal fiction collection.

Long Ago and Today
This week we wrapped up our work researching what life was like long ago and how it was similar or different from today. Students watched a short presentation on the businesses and homesteads that Waterville and Belvidere had long ago. Students learned about using sources as ways to get reliable information. Children were sorted into groups based on their top 3 interests. We worked together to read and used internet sources to gather information. We learned how to take notes and organize our information.
Later in the week, students worked together to write a short informational "movie script". We will be creating a short movie using Google Slides to narrate and display our final projects!
A Visit from Ivy
Ivy is a therapy dog owned by Ms. Paulette a Waterville resident and former teacher. Ivy visited our room on Wednesday and the kiddos LOVED her! She is so cute, very calm and sweet. Ivy and Ms. Paulette will be visiting our room on Wednesdays. We will have a rotating schedule where all children will see her throughout the month!

Writers' Workshop
The first and second graders visited the Publisher's Desk this week as we put the final touches on our favorite small moments books! Students worked on decorating a fancy cover, dedication page and spent time editing and revising their books. We will continue to work on this after Thanksgiving break, and we will have a special writing celebration to share all of our work!
First Grade Math
In first grade we continue to work on addition and subtraction strategies to 10 with a focus on doubles, doubles plus one and part/part/whole. Each day we use our number racks to figure out missing number equations i.e. 7+__=10 or 17+___=20 and students are making great progress in reading missing number equations on their own. Each day we practice counting forwards and backwards from 60.