Trimester I Ends- Nov. 15
November Book Orders Due- Nov. 15
***Please send a check if you are using the Scholastic flier***
WES Thanksgiving Luncheon
Nov. 19 @ 11:00
Old Fashioned School Day/ Movie Day- Nov. 26
Students will role play a old fashioned school day including lessons, recess and chores!
Costumes are welcome. More information to come!
Report Cards go Home- Nov. 26
Students will have a yellow manila envelope that contains their first trimester report card. Please read over your child's report card together with your child. If you have any questions or comments regarding your child's report card, please contact me here at school. The report card is yours to keep.
Please sign and return the first trimester comment form and envelope to school.
Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 27-Dec. 1
Cold Weather Clothing

It looks like the weather will be turning colder and the snow is on its way! Please make sure your child is ready to play outdoors. Send snow pants, boots, hats and mittens to school each day. It is helpful to label your child's winter clothing...we have many of the same hats, snow pants etc. and it is really stressful for the kids when they lose something. Also, please be sure to send a change of clothes their backpack.
Readers' Workshop
This week students worked on a review of fictional story elements and shared their knowledge by creating a poster about our last read aloud My Father's Dragon. Students continued to read independently and with their partners, and shopped for new books. Students will have new reading partners after Thanksgiving break.
Writers' Workshop
In writing, we finished up our small moments unit of study by writing powerful endings! We reviewed our favorite mentor texts and noticed how they ended... NOT one said, "the end..." or "then we went home!"
We noticed and named our favorite endings and tried them out. On Thursday, we picked our favorite small moment books to edit and create a FANCY copy. Next week, we will visit the Publishers Office and fix up our favorite pieces. Students will spend time publishing their piece. We will have a writing celebration when we finish... I will keep you posted.
Students began a new unit of study in spelling. Students were mixed into different groupings and began their inquiry into blends and final k endings.

Long Ago and Today
On Thursday and Friday we really had fun learning more about how things were different long ago. We unpacked the School Days Kit from the Vermont Historical Society and explored the different tools in the kit. Students tried writing on slates, using feather pens, wearing a dunce cap, and looked at McGuffey Readers! On Friday we made our own butter, tried finger knitting and used our homemade beet ink and turkey feathers to write and draw! Thank you, Dustin Tilton for helping out! It was a fun day!

First Grade Math
We are learning many new games to help us with our math facts. This week we played double it, make the sum and drop the beans. Students have been learning about analog and digital clocks in number corner, and have also been doing lots of counting forwards and backwards!

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