Upcoming Events
No School- Nov. 11
Teacher Professional Development
Trimester I ends- Nov. 15
Birthday Celebration
The kiddos and I celebrated my birthday on Wednesday! Ms. Shelia brought cupcakes for us all and gave me a special card the students created!
Tilitson's Store Role Play

We began by reading The Ox Cart Man. We noticed how the items in the story were made from natural resources. Then we imagined going back in time...
Students LOVED shopping at the Tilitson's store... but they noticed an important pattern: most items were hand made from natural resources. Students could not find the items they had on their shopping list, only the resources needed to make those items. We also noticed some items were not invented yet! We used many items from our Historical Studies kit which we borrowed from the VT. Historical Society in Montpelier.
Readers' Workshop
Birthday Celebration
The kiddos and I celebrated my birthday on Wednesday! Ms. Shelia brought cupcakes for us all and gave me a special card the students created!
Tilitson's Store Role Play

Students LOVED shopping at the Tilitson's store... but they noticed an important pattern: most items were hand made from natural resources. Students could not find the items they had on their shopping list, only the resources needed to make those items. We also noticed some items were not invented yet! We used many items from our Historical Studies kit which we borrowed from the VT. Historical Society in Montpelier.
Readers' Workshop
In reading this week, we learned different ways we can write about our reading. The first and second graders have their own reading response journal and we practiced different ways to respond through pictures and writing. We will take 10-15 minutes 2-3 times per week to write about what we read. Prompts are differentiated in the classroom and are connected to the level book your child is reading. Here are some of the prompts we learned about.
about what happened first in the story.
-How is
the character in the story feeling? How do you know?
-How does
the author or illustrator make the book funny, scary, or interesting?
Retell the story from beginning, middle to end.
Wanted, But, So, Then)
What author’s craft moves do you notice?
What is the author trying to teach you? What is
the lesson of the story?
First Grade MathIn math we finished up our Number Corner calendar activities by creating composite shapes! We also learned some fun new addition games that we will play throughout unit 3.

Writers Workshop
In writing, we worked on adding DETAILS, DETAILS, DETAILS! We read the beginning of the chapter The Escape from Charlotte's Web, a short expert from Here Comes Darell, and drew pictures of what we visualized in our heads. Later in the week, we brainstormed detail ideas we could add into our small moment stories, and went back and added them into our books!

On Thursday, we did one last trick word practice before our assessment... We made our trickiest words out of bones to make skeleton words!!!

We celebrated on Thursday with a fancy luncheon and a special cookie treat! Great job to all W.E.S. students!

WESPO Fundraiser Fun
Students who met the target for fundraiser sales earned a ride in The Principal's Taxi!

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