It is that time of year again... we have had a lot of students and teachers out sick in our school. We have begun washing our hands upon arrival in the morning and in the afternoon to stop the spread of germs around the classroom. Encourage your kiddos to get lots of sleep, drink water and eat lots of vitamin C rich foods. Please feel free to send a water bottle to school each day!
Upcoming Events
January 22, January 29, February 5
Winter Sports Days
***If your child is ice skating and you have a bike helmet or winter helmet at home, PLEASE send it with your child**
We are so excited to begin our 2020 Winter Sports Program! We are all looking forward to getting outside and enjoying some of the snow. Please make sure that your child is prepared for their winter activity. I just wanted to remind you of a couple of things you should pack for your child.
Winter Sports Checklist
- Warm clothes: snow pants, boots, hats, mittens and neck warmers.
- Have your child dressed in comfortable clothes: sweatpants, sweatshirts and warm socks.
- A back pack to keep all of your things together.
- A change of clothes. You never know when you will need them!
- Non-perishable lunch, snacks and drinks
- Any equipment you are providing such as snowboards, boots, skis, goggles, helmets, skates, snow shoes etc.
We continued with our nonfiction unit of study this week. We worked on paying close attention to the details of our books, doing a sneak peak and asking how will this book go? We also worked on putting the pieces together to make good predictions. Readers met with their new reading partners to share the "gifts of nonfiction texts", those special moments where you learn something really cool! Each child got two National Geographic Magazines to read and keep! We will get a new one each month!
Habits of Mind with our Big Buddies
This week we focused on Listening with Understanding and Empathy! We enjoyed making these fun head bands with our big buddies!
New Science Unit of Study: Sound
On Thursday we began a new science unit of study on sound. Students watched a video on a bee flying around in a flower. We could hear the buzzing sound bees make. We call this our phenomenon... a natural occurrence that piques our curiosity- Students then drew an initial model of what they thought was making the sound. We shared our initial understandings and formed questions. On Friday, we tried to figure out where sounds come from. Students did a "listening walk" based on the book Listening Walk by Paul Showers. Check the book out below...
Our science units are based on the Science Practice Standards and NGSS. I love science and figuring things out with the kids!
Listening Walk
Go Noodle!
Staying warm and having some fun!
First Grade Math
This week in math, we began Unit 4. We are studying the number line model and have begun investigating the open number line as well. We are using this model to add and subtract. The first graders are also working on adding doubles and doubles +1 facts, and have loved our daily counting practice with Jack Hartmann! Check out the fun songs we sing below!
Counting by 10s
Money in my Pocket!