Upcoming Events
January book orders are due on January 29th!
Please submit online or send your book order and a check made out to Scholastic.
Thank you!
January 29 and February 5
Winter Sports Days
Vermont Symphony Orchestra Brass Band
January 31
***If your child is ice skating and you have a bike helmet or winter helmet at home, PLEASE send it with your child***
Teacher In-Service/ No School
February 7
Readers' Workshop
In reading this week, we worked more on reading nonfiction texts and talking with our partner about our books! We are reading a new mentor text called Knights in Shining Armor by Gail Gibbons. We are using this book to make predictions, and think about key words and their meanings.
Writers' Workshop
The first and second graders are finishing up a short immersion phase of writing. This is where we study the flow of an informational book, how it goes and the important text features authors use. We studied beginnings, middles and ends of different informational books. We looked at student work samples and annotated them together. We created some classroom anchor charts together to help us as we begin writing our own texts.
We have been busy trying to figure out how sound is produced. We experimented with tuning forks, drums and ukuleles. Students built their own kazoos and determined that vibration and sound are connected. Sound can cause vibration and vibration can cause sound. They really loved watching the strings of a guitar plucked in slow motion, we also watched a drum being struck too!

Friday Circle
Our focus this week was on friendship. We listened to Lean on Me by Bill Withers, and talked about attributes of a good friend, and what would make you not want to be friends with a person.

Vermont Symphony Orchestra Brass Band
January 31
***If your child is ice skating and you have a bike helmet or winter helmet at home, PLEASE send it with your child***
Teacher In-Service/ No School
February 7
Readers' Workshop
In reading this week, we worked more on reading nonfiction texts and talking with our partner about our books! We are reading a new mentor text called Knights in Shining Armor by Gail Gibbons. We are using this book to make predictions, and think about key words and their meanings.
Writers' Workshop
The first and second graders are finishing up a short immersion phase of writing. This is where we study the flow of an informational book, how it goes and the important text features authors use. We studied beginnings, middles and ends of different informational books. We looked at student work samples and annotated them together. We created some classroom anchor charts together to help us as we begin writing our own texts.
We have been busy trying to figure out how sound is produced. We experimented with tuning forks, drums and ukuleles. Students built their own kazoos and determined that vibration and sound are connected. Sound can cause vibration and vibration can cause sound. They really loved watching the strings of a guitar plucked in slow motion, we also watched a drum being struck too!

Friday Circle
Our focus this week was on friendship. We listened to Lean on Me by Bill Withers, and talked about attributes of a good friend, and what would make you not want to be friends with a person.

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