Upcoming Events
Jan. 20 No School
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Winter Sports Days
Jan. 22, 29 and Feb. 5
Friday Dance Party
School Wide PAWS Celebration

Classroom Community
In the past week we have gone back and reviewed the PAWS rules and expectations in our school! We have worked to review and practice our classroom routines. On Friday we filled our PAWS jar, and the kiddos were excited to take a piece off our PAWS puzzle in the hallway!
Upon returning from our holiday break, students began learning about the Zones of Regulation. We created classroom posters of feelings that go along with the four zones (red, yellow, green and blue). We played a Zones of Regulation bingo game together. Students reviewed expected and unexpected behaviors and how we feel when our friends act in unexpected and expected ways.

Friday Circle
On Friday, we had a Community Building Restorative Circle in class. We talked about unexpected and expected behaviors. We shared ideas we have to help maintain respect for students who are in not in the green zone.

Readers' Workshop
Friday Dance Party
School Wide PAWS Celebration

Classroom Community
In the past week we have gone back and reviewed the PAWS rules and expectations in our school! We have worked to review and practice our classroom routines. On Friday we filled our PAWS jar, and the kiddos were excited to take a piece off our PAWS puzzle in the hallway!
Upon returning from our holiday break, students began learning about the Zones of Regulation. We created classroom posters of feelings that go along with the four zones (red, yellow, green and blue). We played a Zones of Regulation bingo game together. Students reviewed expected and unexpected behaviors and how we feel when our friends act in unexpected and expected ways.

Friday Circle
On Friday, we had a Community Building Restorative Circle in class. We talked about unexpected and expected behaviors. We shared ideas we have to help maintain respect for students who are in not in the green zone.

Readers' Workshop
In reading, we reviewed goal setting and making a plan for our growing reading skills! We began a new unit of study on Non-Fiction texts. Students practiced looking carefully at details. We studied posters, diagrams, 3D models and high interest nonfiction books. We read a very cool mentor text called Beavers by Gail Gibbons. We studied the words and illustrations and began asking questions.
During independent reading time, I held reading conferences with many students. I sent home new reading logs in all folders, and filled my prize chest with some cool new coupons!
Writers' Workshop
In writing, we worked more on writing our own poems! Students wrote their own acrostic poems, shape poems and list poems. We are using the Scratch app to code our own acrostic poems. The poems of very cool and once we finish, I will post on our classroom blog.
We also took a pre-assessment in writing. Our next writing unit will be on writing our own nonfiction books. I am working hard to incorporate technology use into our daily work here at school.
In spelling we continue to work in our small groups. Students are working on long and short vowels and beginning blends. On Thursday and Friday, we planned out and created our own game boards! We will use these game-boards as a way to practice spelling our words.

During independent reading time, I held reading conferences with many students. I sent home new reading logs in all folders, and filled my prize chest with some cool new coupons!
Writers' Workshop
In writing, we worked more on writing our own poems! Students wrote their own acrostic poems, shape poems and list poems. We are using the Scratch app to code our own acrostic poems. The poems of very cool and once we finish, I will post on our classroom blog.
We also took a pre-assessment in writing. Our next writing unit will be on writing our own nonfiction books. I am working hard to incorporate technology use into our daily work here at school.
In spelling we continue to work in our small groups. Students are working on long and short vowels and beginning blends. On Thursday and Friday, we planned out and created our own game boards! We will use these game-boards as a way to practice spelling our words.

The first graders finished up unit 3 and also took time to learn the basics of coding! We have a classroom coding set which we really love exploring. Students are learning to create mazes for a robotic mouse. Then we create codes for the mouse to find the hidden piece of cheese at the end of the maze. We are also coding on Scratch during math stations.
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