Welcome to First and Second Grade!

Throughout the week, I will send out pictures, and updates to keep you informed at home. You will receive a google form and a permission slip in your child's blue home-folder . Please return either form to me so I can begin including photos of our kiddos . Thank you :)
Upcoming Events
No School- Labor Day - Sept. 6
No School Yom Kippur - Sept. 16
First Week Info
I LOVE this time of the year! Getting to know my students and their families is one of my favorite things to do. This week, we got to know each other, learned basic classroom routines and expectations, played games during Morning Meeting, worked on a project that helped us learn to use our classroom materials and explored our laptops. Next week, we will begin basic routines in Readers' Workshop, Writers' Workshop and Math.
*Reminder to 2nd grade families, Mrs. Day will be teaching your student math this year*
Safe and Healthy Learning Targets
The first and second graders are doing a great job following our safe and healthy expectations. We take several mask breaks throughout the day! Here are the expectations we have been working on.
Use hand sanitizer to keep our hands clean.

Wash our hands for 20 seconds often throughout the day.
Wear and store our masks correctly.
(Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports)
Throughout the first six weeks of school, we take lots and lots of time to teach and practice our school expectations. Each child has a small PAWS chart on their desk/table. As I teach the expectations and students begin to practice them, I give them positive reinforcement several times throughout the day. I work hard to explicitly tell students what they are doing well and give them a stamp on their chart. When a child has filled up their chart, they place it in our classroom jar, when that is filled up we uncover a puzzle piece from our schoolwide puzzle in the hall. Our class has already take off a piece!
P ut your best foot forwardA lways respect yourself, others and the environmentW ork together to solve problemsS afety at all times
Hopes and Dreams
We have begun working on our Hopes and Dreams for the school year. This year we read the book Quiet Hawk a resource from The Responsive Classroom. Students learned the power to tune in (hush, look, listen, understand), and what persistence looks like. Students each decorated their own hawk feathers, and created a dreamcatcher. We wrote our some hopes and dreams down, and glued them onto our dreamcatchers! We will display our Hopes and Dreams in the classroom and use them to create our classroom rules.
COVID Related Remote Learning Plan
On Thursday, students brought home their laptops, book bags and a blue Emergency Remote Learning Folder. Included in each child's blue folder are materials and an outline of what remote learning will look like. We spent some time learning about our laptops, Seesaw and Dreambox, but this is in the very BEGINNING stages! I know they were excited to show you what they learned. Please keep the blue Emergency Learning Folder at home. Your student will bring their laptop and book bag home each day.
**Please be sure to return your student's bookbag and laptop each day**
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