Friday, September 10, 2021

The Week of September 7


Upcoming Events

*Please remember to pack your students laptop and book bag and return to school each day*

Sept. 13 School Wide Celebration- Tie Dye Twist Up Day 

September 16 - Yom Kippur/No School

Sept. 21- Class Picture Day 

September 30- Book Order Due

Friday Circle 

Today we had our first Restorative Circle in class. Here are the important ideas we will be talking about this year. Today we learned our routine for our class circle. We sang our class song Three Little Birds by Bob Marley, passed our friendship rock around and took turns answering some cool get to know you questions. 

Readers' Workshop
This week, we learned how to book shop and picked our comfy reading spots. The first and second graders are working on building independent reading stamina. We also got to use cozy reading pillows. We are learning the routines of Readers' Workshop and practicing each day. 

Next week, Ms. Russin and I will begin our fall reading assessments. These assessments will help us plan upcoming instruction.  Our first unit of study will be Building Good Reading Habits. 



Writers Workshop
In writing, we are working on learning how Writers' Workshop works! We are having fun using our colorful flair pens, and did some planning for our upcoming unit on narrative writing. We are also learning how narrative writing goes by reading some awesome mentor books.  Our first unit will be on writing about our favorite places and memories made there! We call this unit "Small Moments".

PAWS Rules 
In class we talked A LOT about our classroom rules and expectations. We use the phrase "expected" and "unexpected" when talking about our rules here at WES. We created a class promise with what we expect our friends and teachers to do each day. Each child contributed and signed our promise! 

Regulation Station
The first and second graders will be learning about their brain in the upcoming weeks. We will use an amazing curriculum called MIND UP.  This week, we learned the word regulate. We talked about feelings and emotions and what we can do when our body feels "dysregulated". All students were invited to try some tools at the regulation station that can help us return to work when we feel regulated. 

Indoor Recess
Not going to let the rain get us down! Having some fun during indoor recess! 

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