Happy Monday!
I will see you for reading groups, and class meeting @ 10:00
Use the code/nickname 1-2Smallgroup for your reading groups and 1-2classmeeting for our class meeting!
Morning Meeting
Greeting: Good Morning, I'm glad you are here today!
Share: Monday students can share and take 1 question or comment. Around the Meeting Weekend Share
Fact or Opinion Game
I will read aloud a fact or opinion statement. Students will show what kind of statement it is by making one of the following faces.
Fact Sign Opinion

Learning Target: I can name the main character and the secondary characters in my fiction book.
As you are reading today tell a grown up who the main characters are and who the secondary characters are too!
Here is an example from our read aloud!
Main Character: Humphrey
Secondary Characters: Ms. Brisbane, Mr. Morales, Saya
Read for 10 minutes from your reading bag, books from home, or log -in to the links below.
First Grade Math
Review Skills: Money Monday
First graders as quickly as you can go find a penny, nickel, dime and a quarter. You will need them for this activity!
First graders as quickly as you can go find a penny, nickel, dime and a quarter. You will need them for this activity!
Dreambox Link
First grade families, if you haven't already signed into Dreambox, please do this today. Help your child set up their first learning session.
First grade families, if you haven't already signed into Dreambox, please do this today. Help your child set up their first learning session.
Work for 20-30 minutes on Dreambox
Second Grade Math
Math Workbook: pages 129-130 (Place Value on Wheels, pages 1-2)
Green Light Day on Reflex Math
New Spelling Lesson Videos
Science/Global Citizenship Optional
Check out this awesome virtual field trip! It is so cool!
San Diego Zoo
The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with amazing videos, activities, and games. Enjoy the tour!
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