Happy Thursday!
Morning Message
Good Morning,
Today is Thursday! We will meet in our math groups. I love seeing all of your work from home. I hope you can spend time outdoors playing today. I miss you.
Today is Thursday! We will meet in our math groups. I love seeing all of your work from home. I hope you can spend time outdoors playing today. I miss you.
Have a great day,
Mrs. Marcelino :)
How many capital letters can you find in our morning message? Send me an email with your count!

Learning Target: I can notice the lesson my book is teaching me.
Listen to one of my favorite read alouds and notice problem and solution in the story. This can help us find the lesson in the story.
Frog and Toad are Friends

Listen to one of my favorite read alouds and notice problem and solution in the story. This can help us find the lesson in the story.
Frog and Toad are Friends

Read for 20 minutes from your reading bag, books from home or on the links below.
Math Meeting Today use the nickname/class code 1-2Smallgroup
Spelling Check-In
Watch this video together
2. Please do a spelling check-in with your child at home. Read aloud their spelling words and have them write them down. When you are finished go over the words together and notice what went well and what they need to fix up!
Learning Target: I can tell more and more by writing a twin sentence.
How to write a twin sentence to tell more and more!

How to write a twin sentence to tell more and more!

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