Morning Message
Dear First and Second Graders,
I can't believe today is already Thursday. The week is going by so quickly! You will practice your opinion writing skills. Today is our last day working in our small groups. You have done such an AMAZING job working together. Tomorrow is a finish up day and we will not have class meeting at 10:00. Remember to be marked as present for the day, you need to fill out the Daily Attendance-Check-in Google Form, or submit work samples through email.
Mrs. M
Learning Target: I can write something my character says, thinks about and how my character feels.
Math Meeting Today use the nickname/class code 1-2Smallgroup
Second Grade Math
Math Meeting with Ms. Thomas (11:00-11:20, Google Meet, Nickname - Grade2Math)

Read these sentences and find the capital letter mistakes. Rewrite them correctly and send me a picture of your sentences!
my frieNd jack likeS watermelon.
liaM eats watermelon AT the 4th of july party.
north shares his watermelon with hazeN and noRa!
Learning Target: I can write an opinion piece including a beginning, middle and end.
Popsicles or Ice Cream Model Lesson
Popsicles or Ice Cream Model Lesson
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